
               Before Nocturne, individuals trusted that fantasies were illusions of their creative ability, inane pictures that flashed through the mind when one dozed. This conviction was put under serious scrutiny when a rash of rest related episodes began burdening summoners of the League. Some would wake up shouting, startled and past reassurance. Some couldn't nod off, gradually going frantic as the evenings ticked by. Some just never woke up. Doctors were bewildered until the point when a Field Architect happened to go out alongside a nexus on Twisted Treeline. Witnesses said he shouted out once and afterward quit relaxing. Promptly after, mysterious vitality arced out from the nexus, and Nocturne showed up.

Nocturne did not take first experience with this world benevolent. He butchered all that he could discover before summoners could mystically bind him. After a time of extraordinary investigation, League specialists divined that Nocturne chased summoners in their rest, assaulting them in a place where their enchantment was futile. This appeared to be his exclusive reason. The groups of the casualties requested equity, however League authorities were worried that passing may just return Nocturne to the place from which he came. They bound him to a nexus part, catching him in the physical world. As discipline for his violations, they enabled summoners to call upon Nocturne in the League matches, twisting his will to the summoners he detests and making his very own bad dream. Association researchers don't know whether he really originated from the plane of dreams, or whether there are any more like him. Some conjecture that the summoning demonstration influenced summoners' intuitive personalities, drawing Nocturne to them in their rest. Maybe the most exasperating hypothesis is that Nocturne is a man's bad dream spring up. On the off chance that this is valid, they ponder, who is the visionary?

''The haziness is shutting's pitch dark now...but I can even now observe him...''

- Kelvin Ma, quiet #4236

