
         There are couple of inhabitants, not to mention champions, living in the impacted and unsafe grounds that lie south of the Great Barrier. Quite a bit of that world still bears the scars of past Runes Wars, particularly the strange Kumungu Jungle. There are for quite some time overlooked fortunes in these peculiar spots which many hazard life and appendage to secure. Nidalee was just a young lady going with her fortune looking for guardians when they lost their way in the thick, blustery wildernesses. The wilderness was unforgiving, and she watched her folks endure anguishing last days as they succumbed to a baffling and horrible malady.

As doubtful as it was for a tyke to make due in the aloof wilderness without anyone else's input, she did recently that. Her young honesty and a lucky naivete made her interest to the mammoths of that place and she was taken in by a group of cougars and raised as one of their own. She developed and some way or another retained the crude enchantment of the thick wilds, advancing past both her human physiology and her catlike insincerity. Presently a wild, near legendary defender, Nidalee fights violently like there's no tomorrow against any who might debilitate the huge wilderness she calls home.

