''Isolation can be lonelier than death.'' A forlorn and despairing soul from old Shurima, Amumu meanders the world looking for a companion. Reviled by an old spell, he is destined to stay alone always, as his touch is demise and his fondness destroy. The individuals who claim to have seen him depict Amumu as a living corpse, little in stature and canvassed in swathes the shade of lichen. Amumu has propelled myths, fables, and legends told and retold for eras - to such an extent that it is difficult to isolate truth from fiction.
Amumu Skin
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Published on: กรกฎาคม 19, 2560
''Isolation can be lonelier than death.'' A forlorn and despairing soul from old Shurima, Amumu meanders the world looking for a companion. Reviled by an old spell, he is destined to stay alone always, as his touch is demise and his fondness destroy. The individuals who claim to have seen him depict Amumu as a living corpse, little in stature and canvassed in swathes the shade of lichen. Amumu has propelled myths, fables, and legends told and retold for eras - to such an extent that it is difficult to isolate truth from fiction.