
              Zed is the principal ninja in 200 years to open the antiquated, taboo ways. He challenged his group and ace, pushing off the adjust and train that had shackled him all his life. Zed now offers energy to the individuals who grasp learning of the shadows, and kills the individuals who stick to numbness.

A vagrant, Zed was taken in and prepared by an awesome ninja ace. Just a single other understudy had all the earmarks of being Zed's equivalent - the ace's child, Shen. It appeared Zed would never win the support of the ace, as each match between the opponents finished in a draw. Baffled and envious, he looked for favorable position. The youthful ninja wandered into a fixed piece of the faction's sanctuary, where he found a resplendent, premonition box. Detecting the dim learning inside, Zed knew he ought not open it, but rather he looked inside in any case. In a moment, shadows touched his brain, uncovering strategies that had for some time been covered up. Presently outfitted with a mystery edge, he tested Shen, and this time he crushed the ace's child. He expected acclaim and acknowledgment in his snapshot of triumph, yet some way or another the ace knew Zed had utilized illegal ways, and exiled him.

Mortified, the youthful ninja meandered for a considerable length of time. His intensity swung to aspiration, and he started to prepare others in the style of the shadows. As his energy developed, so did his hover of supporters, yet he realized that without the crate, his strategy could never be great. One day, Zed took a gander at his supporters and saw that his understudies were presently an armed force. He drove them back to the sanctuary to assert his prize. At the doors, he was astounded to locate the old ace holding up, getting Zed and his followers as though they were welcome visitors. The old man laid his sword at Zed's feet, pronouncing that he had fizzled Zed as his lord. By banishing his previous understudy, the ace had destined Zed to the shadows, rather than driving him to the adjusted way. The old man entreated Zed to enter the sanctuary, decimate the container, and lead his supporters to adjust. The dim ninja took after the ace inside. Minutes after the fact, the collected ninjas heard Zed shout out in torment. Strangely, he rose unscathed, and tossed the separated leader of the ace at Shen's feet. Shouting in seethe, Zed directed his adherents to butcher the ace's understudies and grab the case.

That day, the old ninja arrange fell. Despite the fact that numerous understudies passed on, some got away on account of Shen's gallant endeavors. Presently the sanctuary is a dim preparing ground for the Order of the Shadow. Zed administers as the Order's lord, and his declaration is straightforward: idealize one's strategy, and execute all ninjas who decline to grasp the shadows.

''Parity is a lie - we are the genuine ninjas.''

- Zed

