
               Yasuo is a man of resolve, a coordinated swordsman who uses the breeze itself to chop down his enemies. This once-glad warrior has been disrespected by a false allegation and constrained into a frantic battle for survival. With the world betrayed him, he will give it his best shot to convey the liable to equity and reestablish his respect.

Once in the past a splendid understudy at a prestigious Ionian sword school, Yasuo was the main understudy in an age to ace the amazing breeze system. Many trusted he was bound to wind up noticeably an incredible saint. Be that as it may, his destiny was changed perpetually when Noxus attacked. Yasuo was accused of guarding an Ionian Elder, at the same time, stupidly trusting his sharp edge alone could have the effect, he exited his post to join the shred. When he restored, the Elder had been killed.

Disfavored, Yasuo eagerly handed himself over, arranged to pay for his disappointment with his life. He was stunned, be that as it may, to get himself blamed not only for neglect, but rather of the murder itself. Despite the fact that mistook and racked for blame, he knew the professional killer would go unpunished in the event that he didn't act. Yasuo raised his sword against the school and battled his direction free, knowing his treachery would turn all of Ionia against him. Allowed genuinely to sit unbothered without precedent for his life, he set out to locate the Elder's genuine executioner.

Yasuo put in the following quite a long while meandering the land, looking for any piece of information that may lead him to the killer. At the same time, he was tenaciously chased by his previous partners, consistently compelled to battle or bite the dust. His central goal drove him ever forward, until the point when he was found by the one adversary he feared most - his own particular sibling, Yone.

Bound by a typical code of respect, the two warriors bowed and drew their swords. Quietly they orbited each other under the moonlight. When they at long last charged forward, Yone was no match for Yasuo; with a solitary blaze of steel he chop his sibling down. Yasuo dropped his weapon and raced to Yone's side.

Overcome with feeling, he requested to know how his own particular family could think him liable. Yone spoke: ''The Elder was slaughtered by a breeze system. Who else might it be able to be?'' Understanding cleared over Yasuo as he all of a sudden acknowledged why he had been charged. He declared his guiltlessness again and asked his sibling's pardoning. Tears gushed down Yasuo's face as his sibling go in his arms.

Yasuo covered Yone under the rising sun, yet could set aside no opportunity to grieve. Others would be after him a little while later. His sibling's disclosure had given Yasuo recently discovered reason; he now had the piece of information that would prompt the genuine executioner. Swearing a promise, he assembled his effects and, with one final take a gander at Yone's grave, set out with the breeze at his back.

''The tale of a sword is inked in blood.''

- Yasuo






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