
Maybe more than some other champion in the League, Lulu walks to the beat of her own drum. Amid her childhood in Bandle City, she invested the vast majority of her energy meandering alone in the woods or lost in a stare off into space. It wasn't that she was withdrawn; the everyday clamor of Bandle City just couldn't rival the dynamic universe of her creative energy. She saw ponder in places a great many people neglected. This was the means by which she discovered Pix, a fae soul, putting on a show to be stuck in a perch room. Lulu's creative ability recognized her to Pix and he grabbed the chance to bait her into his reality. He conveyed her to the Glade, the charmed home of the fae, which lay settled in a clearing in the forested areas. There the unbending properties of the outside world - things like size and shading - changed as every now and again and unconventionally as the bearing of the breeze. Lulu felt at home in the Glade and she waited there with Pix, intrigued by this mystery put. 

She rapidly forgot about time. Her life in the Glade was agreeable and characteristic. She and Pix played fae recreations together, the sorts of amusements that she had been told were ''make believe''... what's more, she got exceedingly great at them. It got her off guard she all of a sudden recollected that she had abandoned an existence in Bandle City. The Glade had a method for making everything outside appear to be inaccessible and strange. Lulu chose to return to her previous home, to share a portion of the stunning things she'd adapted, however when she and Pix restored the world had changed. Time, she found, was another property that acted distinctively in the Glade, and hundreds of years had passed while she was away. Lulu looked to reconnect to the inhabitants of the outside world however her endeavors had grievous outcomes. She drove every one of the youngsters off to play find the stowaway, incidentally transforming them into blooms and creatures to flavor up the amusement, however their folks didn't value her endeavors. At the point when the yordles demanded that she leave their territory, she swung to a dynamic mystical place where those with strange endowments were not quite recently acknowledged but rather venerated: the League of Legends. 

''The best way between two focuses is topsy turvy, between, at that point back to front and round once more.'' 

- Lulu

