
''There is no such thing as recovery. Just compensation.''

Some time before the direction of enchantment, mages explored different avenues regarding the formation of fake life. Presently prohibited, imparting golems with reason was once not all that unprecedented a training among the more master of skilled workers. One such visionary was the Demacian artificer, Durand. Excellent at creating aware creatures, Durand's builds filled in as enthusiastic watchmen for the bordertowns of his adored city-state, managing them security from their Noxian neighbors. For his own resistance, in any case, Durand kept his perfect work of art: Galio. This relentless develop - fashioned in the picture of a foreboding figure - protected him on his adventures, enabling him to play out his imperative work without dread of backlash from those antagonistic to his country. That is, until the point that managing his burdening sentinels at long last animated the rage of the Noxian High Command.

As Durand crossed the Howling Marsh with his masterwork close by, he was set upon by Noxian professional killers in compel. Dwarfed and overpowered, Galio looked on with dismay as the killers chop down his charge, executing him quickly before vanishing once again into the fogs. Stripped of his explanation behind being, Galio given up. For quite a long time he stayed in isolation, standing vigil over the bones of the ace he had neglected to ensure... a strict landmark to his own everlasting disgrace.

At that point, one common day, a dismal yet decided yordle young lady conveying a compelling Demacian crown ceased in the shadow of the considerable statue to rest. Concealed on display from his clueless guest, Galio contemplated the desolate yordle. She looked just as she excessively carried a colossal weight. As unobtrusively and as stoically as she had arrived, she withdrew toward Demacia. This experience lit a start in Galio's eye. Recalling the reason that his lord had kicked the bucket safeguarding, Galio emerged from his quiet limbo and followed in the wake of this overcome animal. He had another motivation to live: to battle for the will of Demacia.

