Aatrox Skin

               Aatrox is a legendary warrior, one of just five that stay of an antiquated race known as the Darkin. He uses his huge edge with effortlessness and balance, cutting through armies in a style that is mesmerizing to observe. With every enemy felled, Aatrox's apparently living cutting edge drinks in their blood, engaging him and powering his fierce, exquisite crusade of a butcher. 

The soonest story of Aatrox is as old as written history. It recounts a war between two awesome groups recalled just as the Protectorate and the Magelords. After some time, the Magelords won a progression of squashing triumphs, abandoning them on the very edge of devastating their sworn adversary for eternity. Upon the arrival of their last encounter, the Protectorate armed force got themselves dwarfed, depleted and inadequately prepared. They supported for an unavoidable thrashing.

Exactly when all expectation appeared to be lost, Aatrox showed up among the positions of the Protectorate. With however a couple of words, he asked the officers to battle to the last before devoting himself completely to fight. His essence motivated the urgent warriors. At, to begin with, they could just watch in stunningness as this obscure saint separated through their foes, his body and sharp edge moving as one as though one being. Before long, the Warriors got themselves pervaded with an intense hunger for the fight to come. They took after Aatrox into the shred, each battling with the angry quality of ten until the point when they had won a most far-fetched triumph.

Aatrox vanished after that fight, yet the Protectorate armed force's newly discovered anger did not. Their shocking triumph prompted numerous more until the point when they could at long last return home successful. Their compatriots hailed them as legends, however, they had spared their whole progress from pulverization, haziness waited in the brain of every warrior. Something inside them had changed. After some time, their recollections of fight blurred, just to be supplanted with a troubling disclosure: their demonstrations of valor were, truth be told, ruthless abominations submitted by their own particular hands.

Stories like these show up among the myths of many societies. On the off chance that they are all to be trusted, Aatrox's quality has changed the course of probably the most vital wars ever. Despite the fact that these stories recall him as a hero in dull circumstances, Aatrox's actual inheritance might be a world loaded with struggle and strife.

''Some battle for respect, some battle for radiance. It makes a difference just that you battle.''

- Aatrox

